ÜBERLEBEN radioplay

radioplay, 2022, 45 min. Überleben – questions from an interview research A radio play made of questions. The hospital murders that occurred between 2000 and 2005 in hospitals in Oldenburg and Delmenhorst are beyond our imagination. How can we deal with them? How can we come to terms with the murders and attempted murders in […]

FETT podcast

Podcast FETT. About the visibility and representation of fat bodies on stage and screen Why are there so few fat actresses and actors? And what does it mean for them to be cast, which roles are offered, how can clichés and prejudices be broken? What does it mean for directors to show different bodies, to […]

DO NOT DISTURB audioplay

A person wearing an apron holds three pillows in front of their body

radio play Do not disturb The chambermaid moves silently and almost invisibly across hotel corridors and disappears into the rooms. There she sees what the hotel guest has left behind, makes fresh beds and collects hair from the bathroom floor. Here, boundaries of intimacy overlap and an illusion is created: for each new guest, the […]

CHOICE podcast

Podcast Reihe CHOICE werkgruppe2 veröffentlichte. mit dem Podcast zum ersten Mal eine Hintergrund-Recherche zum Mithören. In einer Podcast-Reihe befragten sie Expert*innen in Irland, Sri Lanka, Kolumbien, Polen, den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Argentinien, Namibia, den USA und Japan. Die Podcasts entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit Deine Korrespondentin, dem digitalen Magazin und Netzwerk von freien Journalistinnen aus der ganzen Welt.   […]

WEINEN digital storytelling

digital storytelling-project www.weinen.net Voriger Nächster CRYING is a digital storytelling project that shows a growing collection of videos. In these videos actors tell their own story of crying. Who is crying on stage or on screen: the character, the actress, the private person or everyone in their own way? How much can we “believe” the […]

TRANSIT digital dialog

A dialogue project between Friedland (D) and Moria (GR) Transit Play The two villages of FRIEDLAND in southern Lower Saxony and MORIA on the Greek island of Lesbos have one thing in common: it is only because of their geographical location that they have become historical hubs of migration and both now house large refugee […]